We specialize in media analysis and media selection to create the most cost-effective media-mix for clients who do not have multi-million dollar budgets. Working with huge budgets enables people to cover their mistakes with sheer firepower – that’s raw dollars! We’ve never had that “luxury.” And glad of it. It makes us work harder, sharper.
While you can’t control timing or placement, as you can with advertising, publicity plays an equally vital role in the marketing package.
We’ve established solid rapport with editors, field editors, staff writers and freelancers by being an available resource for whatever they need. Publicity can range from a straight release to a more complex package of materials for consumer and trade shows.
We have worked with some of the largest shows in the world, including CES, SHOT, Outdoor Retailer, PhotoPlus, Vision Expo, IACP and others. In many cases, feature stories can be developed out of ongoing exchanges with editors and writers.
Good photography adds greatly to the effectiveness of promotional materials and publicity. We are photographers ourselves, but we do mostly field shots and sports action.
We shoot the races at Del Mar, San Diego State football, the American West and great cities around the world.
©2021 Venture | 3639 Midway Dr | San Diego, CA 92110
(619) 224-9640 | taventur@gmail.com